
Store Vildmose is a natural resort located in northern Jutland in the Municipality of Brønderslev and Jammerbugt.
Store Vildmose is the remains of a large raised bog located between Aabybro, Pandrup and Brønderslev. The area is of national significance, as it is one of the largest contiguous areas of raised bog in Denmark, home to many rare animals and plants.
An area of 1853 hectares is appointet as an EU-habit area and is protected as a scientific and archaeological conservation. The area is famous for its Vildmose potatoes.
Going to Store Vildmose without a guide
The idea was that we go to see the fields before we have any clue how is look like, how can we actually find the hotspots and getting know and see in our eyes what is an actual problem out there. We are drived to Store Vildmose. In the first place it was pretty easy to find the place, but we did not know when we arrived there we are actually in Store Vildmose or not. This problem came up because they do not have too many signs what is show to the people where are they actually. After we find out we are in a good place, but the problem just started – again because of the signs – we did not known where are actually the hotspots or what their names or how we could found on the internet. We were just drived around the area and finally we found an inn. We are sat there and asked some help from the workers there, and we had a chance to take a look some of the books what they had and found some map or something useful to know where we could actually start our trip. We find some map and than we made a plan that we find the stepping stones. We started to search them, but on the way we find a place called Vildmosen porten. We stopped and looked around but it was unfortunetly closed. We sat in the car again and started to find the stepping stones. We got some information about that is close some parking place, so we started to take a look just the parking signs, and finally we found one, but it wasnt that one what we looked for. Thanks for the fortune and one of our group mate eyes, that he saw a sign in the opposite parking spots of the road and we finally find the stepping stones. After this trip we went home, because we didnt know where are the other hotspots or the name of the other hotsopots. In conclusion we can say that this trip showed us the signs are really important and that area really need more signs to find the hotspots and that they actually need some web surface to help to the people who really want to see that area. It would be a big help. My personal opinion that this trip was succes if we see that way that we are saw in our own and experienced in our own that what is the real problem out there.
Guided Tour
Participant observation One of the ways our case holder, Marianne Fisker wanted to introduce us to the case was a guided tour. The trip was intended to show us the potential of our assignment so we knew what we were supposed to be promoting. If going by Howell’s (1972) method of participant observation there are four phases to go through when using observation as a qualitative method. These phases are; establishing rapport, in the field, recording observations and data and analyzing data. Concerning establishing rapport there was not much to do, as we were not to study people or animals and were instead focused on our guides Marianne and Gunnar, their knowledge of the area and what areas were of interest. The tour started after the meeting with Brønderslev Erhverv where a bus picked up both groups. From there we went straight to Luneborg Inn where we met up with our guides and had a meal. Afterwards we drove around, stopping at intervals where Marianne talked about the areas as it were now and what was in progress to be made. To record our observations we both filmed and took pictures of the areas we were introduced to but we did not write down notes, as not to miss anything we were shown. As this observation was only for a day, there was not much data to be analyzed as it would normally come from months of work. The trip itself was discussed amongst the group and the key points and common themes both from the areas and the things our guides told us.
Brønderslev Erhverv
Before visiting Brønderslev Erhverv we prepared questions framed to gain insight of who the company is, who the target audience is and what expectations they might have for the project we are doing. We decided to make it a semi-constructed qualitative interview as to make the conversation flow easier. A semi-constructed interview is open, allowing new ideas to be brought up during the interview because of what the interviewee says. Only one from our group performed the interview together with two members of the other group with the same case as ours. The interview was recorded to be analyzed later. Brønderslev Erhverv had four employees who introduced themselves and told us about who they were and what they did in the company. Very few questions were actually asked as the conversation was mainly from the interviewees explaining everything and the new points that came from this. However, the main selling points from them were nature, the Vildmose potatoes and telling the many stories from the area. Meanwhile the rest of the group walked through the streets of Brønderslev and talked to the locals about Store Vildmose; do they know the stories from the area and have they been there?
Material Story Lab
Material Story Lab at Aalborg University is an international network and research based on using material artefacts. It is an innovative concept within educational, management and organizational development. The main focus on this course is to be creative and inspired by the artefacts and tell stories based upon that.
With Material Story lab we were asked to silently pick out some figures and artefacts amongst a pile of various artefacts and place them in our sandbox. We weren’t to think too much about what we picked or why. When we had picked some and placed them, we were to, also silently, look at our sandbox and decide if there was anything we wanted moved even if someone else had placed it. Afterwards, we were told to discuss the things in the sandbox and to see if there were any of our artifacts, which were placed in groups of type or color, movements or anything in the sandbox that could symbolize anything.
From the playing with the artifacts and the discussions we selected six keywords, which could be essential in our concept; Storytelling, Participation, Cooperation, Nature, Experiences and Information.
By doing the Sandplay, with Material Story Lab, we found that we got a better understanding of what we thought were participants in the area, what we thought might play in, what some of the problems might be and what we found to be the main point (at the time); storytelling, which we would like to focus on in the process
Selecting five words of value
Through a brainstorm about the case five words of value were chosen to describe the concept. The words of value were based on the observations made on the fieldtrip and in the Material Story Lab. The words of value will be used throughout the process.
Motivation Matrix
One of the methods we have used during the initial phase of the workshop was Motivation Matrix. The method was introduced to us by a supervisor after we had talked about our case which has a lot of agents and actors in it and it was hard for us to see exactly what the common denominator might be. The matrix works by investigating what motivates each player in a field to interact with the other players or parties. Through this exercise we discovered some themes that were shared between different groups – for instance we noticed that the people from the surrounding towns like Br¯nderslev and ≈bybro share traits with both the locals in Store Vildmose, as well as the tourists and as such they may have a special role to play in our case. Some members of the group had been aware of this from the beginning while for others, this method made that a lot clearer. We also noticed that some group were pretty static in what motivated them regardless who they were interacting with – unsurprisingly, big players that had an ‘umbrella function’ such as the municipality and the business association were less likely to change their motives and motivation. Smaller players like tourists and individual businesses were more adaptive in their response and their requirements from different other agents in the area. Themes which kept emerging were things like community and life, pride and belonging, but also money and profit. We noticed some themes which seemed to rely on other themes and how if the big players were not there, the smaller ones would struggle. But also that the genuine interest was likely to come from the smaller players as their interests were more directly at stake – for better and for worse. We liked the method. However, after we had done 2/3 of it, the last bit started repeating itself. Noticing that was also an insight in itself.
Core Design Methodology
Core Design is a method consisting of dealing with finding the essential (core) of the product or the concept. The Core is usually the most frequently in the design, and is what’s most important. The second circle in the method consists of words/things in the design that is less important and occurs less frequently. We used the Core Design Method in the group. We began to discuss what concept we wanted to work with and find the core of this particular concept. At first we had trouble finding out how to select the essentials of our concept. We tried various options but chose to get a professor to help us. He explained to us the method of using words that could describe our concept. After the professor helped us, we chose the word “Community” as our core. Then we began to find some words to fit in the second circle. We brainstormed and found a lot of words that is important, both together and individually and helps to create the community; the Core Word. We grouped all the words into some main keywords. Afterwards, we talked about whether we had used the method right, or still had misunderstood it. Anyway we think we got something out of the brainstorms and discussions, because we pointed out in which direction our project is going.
Field trip 17th September
Two group members joined Marianne Fisker on a field trip in Store Vildmose to meet with some different people Marianne had already arranged meetings with.
First we went to meet with Poul Christensen, a local (now retired) farmer who has lived in the area his entire life. He told many stories from Store Vildmose, about stone-age remains he had found while ploughing, myths and legends from the area, how the bronze bull’s head was found, the fire in 1977 and stories from WWII. He also talked about his involvement with getting VE-funds for the establishment of bicycle path around the area.
After a small lunch at the picnic area by Centralgården, which is meant to be developed and restored, we met with Marianne Christensen at Stormgården, who is very involved with activities in the area and at Vildmoseporten and has functioned as a guide. She gave a very good picture of the co-operation (or lack of) between the potato farmers in the area and what else is going on.
After these meetings, it was a lot more clear what life is like in the area, who are the people living here and what interests do they have.
Week 3
On Monday, the group once again meet with our case owner, and it became apparent that she was liked the idea about a promotion campaign. However, she was also keen on the idea of the stepping stones, so we decided to move forward with that as it was a concise subject that lent itself to being portrayed in film.
We also felt it would help create some awareness about the area in a slightly untraditional way. Raising awareness and visibility were some of the main themes in our case and also an area we ourselves had observed could do with some help.
Monday afternoon was spent creating storyboards before the group split up on Tuesday. One group went to film in Karolinelund to get some footage for the concept part of the video. Later the raw film would be edited to include the stepping stones and a sign, but while filming the actions would be anchored on chalk markings on the ground. The other part of the group was working with different updates for the webpage as well as trying to create paper figures. During the afternoon, film editing took place along with further filming of the problem that we were trying to solve.
Over the days, a few more snippets of filming and a lot of editing took place, mostly in After Effects. Laughter and giggles could be heard from the editing room as the group discussed what went into the video and what didn’t but especially why somebody had that strange look on their face. On the last day the group split up to cover the last things. Editing the concept and the products video, preparing what to say at the assembly and taking care of the last bits and bobs on the conceptpage.
Video Sketch 1
In the video, we see our protagonists, Inger and Jens, sharing stories and experiences from Store Vildmose with each other.
By using a Store Vildmose page on Facebook, users can share their stories with not only each other but also other users from potentially all over Denmark. This can increase knowledge about the area, as well as give good ideas to others about activities.
In this video, the focus was the sharing of the material on a social media. The though behind it was that to sell something intangible, like a bog, there needs to be information available, but to make people are of this information it needs to be spread.
The filming was done with a handheld camera. The screen seen is a photoshopped picture made afterwards. The film itself is very simple as to not distract from the meaning.
Video Sketch 2
Ida is walking through Brønderslev when she sees some stickers on the ground. When following the stickers, which are a replica of the stepping stones in Store Vildmose, she sees a poster at the end informing her of where she can experience the real stepping stones.
By placing a replica of the attraction in Store Vildmose in Brønderslev, it can intrigue people to go and see the real thing. They might not know the attraction exist and are through the event made aware of it. If they already know about the attraction, the stickers can remind people of the things to be experienced in the area.
Our focus was to bringing the bog into focus outside of the internet. The stepping stones were a way to make a fun, interactive and visible way to raise awareness.
The film is focused more on the statement than on the aesthetics. The stones were made from cardboard and the filming itself took place in Byens Rum with a group member showing of the usability.
Video Sketch 3
Jens is out of milk and drives to the local Brugs to get some. Here he sees a poster for Store Vildmose; he is intrigued and takes a flyer with information with him.
This video shows the possibilities in getting information about Store Vildmose out to the people in small location as well. By giving people the opportunity to take home a flyer, they can look at the information again when they get home and plan their trip. This also makes it more possible for people to remember the place.
When making this video the focus was on the fun aspect of the video. By using toys and stop motion it appeals to both children and adults (and the child within).
By having the poster on a “billboard” it will naturally attract interest from both people who stop to read all the things on it, and by people noticing it amongst (assumed) normal white pieces of paper.
Video Sketch 4
In this video Jens goes to the trainstation to pick up Inger. He sees a poster for Store Vildmose. When Inger arrives with the train he shows her the poster and she picks up a flyer. They head out to Store Vildmose where they are greeted by Marianne the Ranger.
As in videosketch 4, this is about giving the information to the people. Here it inspires Jens and Inger’s trip to Store Vildmose to include a guided tour in the area.
By using the toys and stop motion again in this video, the focus was still on trying to get a playful look to the video. Furthermore, there was a focus on trying to develop a credible storyline.
The idea was also that there needed to be information where people will be stopping anyway. When waiting at the train station it is quite natural to start reading the commercials and other texts hung up there.