
Concept Description
Ingstrup is a small city in the Northern part of Jutland. The city is getting smaller each year because the citizens people are moving out of the city because of the lack of job opportunities. To stop the emigration and turn around the current situation some people from Ingstrup have entered a competition to win the title “Bogby” as the first in Denmark. Ingstrup won the title and can now be called Ingstrup Bogby. The concept of the Bogby is to make the city more attractive for both the current and future citizens and not least the tourist. Related to the Bogby your job is to improve either the city itself or help market the Bogby outside of Ingstrup. We have chosen to focus on the marketing of the city because we think that Ingstrup could benefit of more attention and support from the outside world. We hope that this support could help build up the Bogby and at the same time be a part of the total experience. Based on the last-mentioned, the final idea is to make a book collection and thereby put Ingstrup on the map.
Design Process:
The following section describes the different methods used during this workshop. Furthermore, the group’s ideas and thoughts are presented.
We have used semi-structured interviews for gathering data from randomly chosen people, both inside and around Aalborg library, as well as with the citizens of Ingstrup Bogby. In the library, the interviewees were quite inquisitive when asked to participate. In Ingstrup Bogby, the interviewees were harder to come across, but we did manage to get some useful data.
The semi-structured interview is a useful method when you want to gather for instance the interviewess opinions on a subject of your choosing. The Interviewees are allowed to elaborate on their answers, while you as the interviewer can still control the direction in which the interview is headed.
When analyzing the data, we got a clearer view on what the possible obstacles would be with realizing this whole “Book-city” concept. Furthermore, we got a basis from which we can now try to develop a solution that will help the requisitioners fulfil their vision.
Object Theatre
– How did we use the method?
We began by choosing how the sand in the sandbox should look, and then we each took some different objects/toys without further thinking. We then placed each of our objects in the box and could rearrange the object as we pleased. Then we looked at the similarities and groups in the box. Afterwards we looked at the diversity of the object such as different colour, texture and contrast.
After doing this, we tried to analyse the objects from our case’s point of view.
– How did it work?
This method gave us a different perspective to our case. Also it helped us be more creative and free in the way we think. It was a bit difficult to be abstract in our way of thinking, and some in the group struggled with this more than others. But we all tried our best to do so and we all participated.
– How did it affect our understanding of the problem area or our ideas?
It affected us in the way that we started to get some ideas. Also it opened our eyes to things that we had not thought about before. We didn’t have a revelation, but the small details, that we hadn’t thought of, became more clear to us.
We discussed the possibilities of including the interested parties in the Object Theatre, and try to work through this method with them to get a better understanding of each others’s perspectives on the case at hand.
Design Service Cycles
So far, we are vaguely using a design service cycle to get a better understanding of the users’ needs and thereby an understanding of how to design/re-design an ideal solution.
Observing the problem/gathering data –> design a solution concept –> present solution concept to requisitioners/get feedback –> use feedback to re-evaluate/re-design solution concept –> present it again… and so on.
As the project only spans over three weeks, there is a limitation to how often we can re-evaluate our concepts, but it is definitely a useful method to iterate through these different areas in the design process. User feedback/involvement is the key to making a truly useful product.
How are we going to communicate our results to our interested parties?
We have been brainstorming ideas for a possible solution to this specific case. This process has led to different discussions on how to engage the case, and has given an insight into what solutions seem realistic in terms of the current state of the case. We are going to present the results of the discussion to the interested parties and hopefully give them a better understanding of how we are able to help them.
Post Meeting
The meeting with the interested parts went really well and the group were able to present all the different ideas. The interested parts seemed really positive and open-minded and our ideas were very well received. During the meeting, the group members were inspired to expand the already existing ideas. After the meeting some of the best ideas were selected. These ideas were chosen by each group member who individual picked three to five different ideas out of the many ideas generated. Afterwards the individual chosen ideas were compared and lastly five different ideas related to the case were chosen. Following, the group members brainstormed based on the five chosen ideas with the purpose of getting a bit closer to some sort of solution.
We have tried to implement some of the represented methods. For instance the method SCRUM. Some of the elements of SCRUM are as mentioned in the lecture hard to implement in the workshop because the structure and planning is on day-to-day basis. An element from the method, which we have used, is the daily SCRUM meetings. The advantage of the meetings is that all of the group members always are updated about the process.
Visiting the Library in Aalborg
At the library, we asked different groups of people. First, we asked people who were reading books. The assumption is that people who already read books are interested in books. That is also the reason why we went to the library because many people go there to read or study.
We also interviewed another group of people. These people were passing on the street outside of the library. We asked them three questions about their knowledge of Ingstrup Bogby and Ingstrup Bogby’s logo. Lastly, we interviewed one of the persons who appointed Ingstrup as a Bogby. This final interview was very informative and enriching regarding why Ingstrup was suitable as the new Bogby. Based on the interview we also got an insight into the bookcity in the Belgian city Redu, which has been an inspiration to creating a similar city in Denmark.
Idea Brainstorming
We sat down and brainstormed different approaches for this specific case. We ended up with five idea areas from which we generated more specific/tangible ideas. Three of these ideas were picked and a video sketch of each, which would reflect each idea, were made. The reason why the other two ideas were deselected, is that they were either too unrealistic or too similar to the ideas presented in the videos. The three ideas all have the same focus – to involve other people in helping build up Ingstrup Bogby by donating books. The reason why our group found this approach the most interesting is that the main element Ingstrup Bogby needs, to attract tourist to the city, is books. By getting people to donate their old books, they would be aware of the city’s existence and hopefully after donating their books they would likely visit the city. Also, by donating their books, these people could get a sense of ownership and a special relation to the city, which would hopefully inspire them to keep contributing.
The Final Video
The final video is a combination of the three video sketches presented to the interested parties. More specificly, the final video utilizes different parts from idea number one and idea number two. Furthermore, the final video is made in an old-fashioned style like idea number three.
Ideas number one and two are both regarding the Ingstrup book collecting and are each sketching one approach to a solution, where people can deliver their books – one at the mailbox and one at the library. These two ideas are somewhat similar and that is why we have chosen to combine them into one final video. Furthermore, at the last meeting with the interested parties, they were very positive about all three videos, which is why we have tried to implement parts of every idea in the final video. Based on observations and feedback during the meeting, it seemed like the interested parties understood the concept of all three videos. Therefore, the group members assumed that the videos reflects our ideas, which is why elements from the two first videos are reused in the final video.
The interested party were fond of the style of the third video sketch(vintage/silent movie), so we figured it best to film the final movie in the same style.
Video Sketches:
Final Video Concept
Youtube: Video
Concept 1
Youtube: Video
Name and Number:
Concept 1, The Mailbox – Drop Station.
A woman empties the mailbox and discovers a letter from Ingstrup Bogby. She reads through the letter and puts it aside, not given it anymore thought. Later she is cleaning her house, but she gets frustrated as the floor in her livingroom is flooded with books. She wants to get rid of some of her books, but she doesn’t want to throw them out. She remembers the letter from Ingstrup Bogby and follows the instructions given in the letter. She puts the books in a plastic bag and places the bag next to her mail box. A car from Ingstrup Bogby picks up the bag og books.
Instead of people throwing out their books, a solution would be to give them the opportunity to donate the books to a good cause(Ingstrup Bogby).
Narrative Message
This video sketch as a design fiction(design possible future). The Signals is that there are few people from outside of Ingstrup who donate their books to Ingstrup Bogby. The Myth is that people doesn’t own any books anymore. Our Histories is that people do own books and that some people actually have so many books, that it becomes a problem to store them. These people don’t want to throw out their books, so they have a hard time figuring out what to do with them. Our Scenario is that we create a possibility for these people to put their books outside in a bag by their mailbox and then the representatives from Ingstrup Bogby will come and pick them up.
The users are people in a town or community close to Ingstrup Bogby. The users are people who have acquired some books and now wants to get rid of them again. Instead of throwing them out, they can donate them to Ingstrup Bogby.
Our solution to this problem is that Ingstrup Bogby will send out envelopes to people, in which they explain how to donate the books the Ingstrup Bogby. The envelopes contain a plastic bag in which people can put the books they want to donate. The plastic bag is then to be placed next to the resident’s mail box. Ingstrup Bogby will pick up the bag and leave a thank you note.
This solution requires almost no effort from the user and will hopefully motivate them to help this cause.
Techniques Applied
For this video sketch we have experimented with both stop motion and green screen. The video sketch is divided into three stages in which the two techniques are used. The first and the third part is made up of drawings captured with stop motion, and the second part is filmed in front of a green screen. This was done simply to try it out and get some experience for when the final concept movie is to be captured.
Concept 2
Youtube: Video
Name and Number:
Concept 2, The Container – Drop Station.
A man is walking down the street and as he passes the library, he notices a strange container placed in front of the building. He walks over to the container and finds out that it is used for collecting books for Ingstrup bookcity. He leaves the scene and returns the next day. This time around he has brought one of his books, and as he reaches the container, he opens the top of it and puts in his book. He then leaves the scene again. Later that same day a truck from Ingstrup Bogby arrives at the container to pick up the content. It then drives towards Ingstup Bogby.
Narrative Message
Design fiction is included in this idea by Signals being that people outside of Ingstrup Bogby do not donate their used books to help build up Ingstrup Bogby. The Myth is that books are old-fashioned and that people do not own books anymore. The Histories represent that people have many old books which they do not read and do not know where to put. The Scenario is to create a drop of point at the library so people can hand in the books, which they do not want anymore. At the same time, the people are supporting Ingstrup Bogby by contributing to the book collection.
The users are the same as in concept 1.
Techniques Applied
Animatics and stop motion picture framing. We have used the Animatics method for this video sketch, which means that it consists of pictures of our original storyboard with sound applied to it. Animatics is basically a sort of stop motion. You construct a setup from where you can take pictures from the same position every time. Then you apply a background and insert the characters and props, and take a picture. You move the inserted stuff to a wanted position and takes another picture. This creates movement, and makes a stop motion seem like a movie if the transitions in movement are precise enough. In our use of the technique, it was not at all a seemless moving picture, but a quick way to illustrate and interpret an idea.
Concept 3
Youtube: Video
Name and Number:
Concept 3, TOMS Books.
A woman is on her way to the local book store. Inside the book store she is having a hard time picking a book. The store clerk approaches the woman and they start a conversation. The store clerk explains that if the woman buys a book in the store, a similar book will be send to Ingstrup Bogby to support their cause. At first, the woman is a bit skeptic as she thinks that it’s more expensive than the regular service. The clerk explains that the price is the same as usual. The woman is excited and buys a book.
The general idea is to give people opportunity to support Ingstrup Bogby via buying so called “Tom books”. The idea comes from already functioning concept called Toms Shoes where by buying yourself a pair of shoes, you automaticaly donate a pair to a child in Africa. Applying this concept on Ingstrup Bogby would give opportunity to anyone buying a book in certain stores to donate one book to the bookcity.
Narrative Message
In this idea Design Fiction is used. The Signals is that people who do not live in Ingstrup are unaware of that the Bogby exists and therefore they do not support the city by donating old books. The Myth is that people are not interested in books and therefore do not buy them anymore. The Histories are the people do buy books for instants at the book store and thereby they could be informed about the Bogby and even donate a book to the city every time they buy a book for themselves without extra expenses. The Scenario is to spread knowledge about Ingstrup Bogby and create a positive and easy way of donating books to the city.
Techniques Applied
This video sketch is made in a vintage style, almost like a silent movie. It consists of several still pictures with two actors expressing emotions and reactions through body language.