Describe your case here (150 words)
Members of the team: Asta, Lars, Rasmus, Sebastian, Stephie, and Trine
Concept video
Embed the final concept video from Youtube together with 100-150 words of description.
This is the hand-in for the deliverable: 1 final video scenario.
The Design Process
Data Collection
Plan for Data Collection
To create structure of our case, we chose to work with the business model canvas as an ongoing process. At this point we are using it to get an overview of stakeholders and users who would be interesting to collect data from. We filled out the Value Proposition with jobs to be done, Customer Segments and Key Partners and formed our data collection plan. We formed working question and from those decided on our data collection plan as the following:
Data collection
- Purposive sampling
- Fieldwork – Field study (stakeholders)
- Text mining
- Interviews
Purposive sampling
Interviews with users (9 individual interviews and 1 group interview with 3 users)
Our customer segments for the interviews are:
- + 45 women & men
- young 15 + women & men
- People with accessibility challenges
Forms of interview
Individual interviews
Interviews of 3 companies with different products/services
- Aalborg zoo
- Two more referred to by Lau (founder)
- A company that didn’t wan’t collaborate with OpdagDanmark
Text mining
We will try to collect quantitative data, from the case partner OpdagDanmark, to have data on user behaviour and trends from the case partner e.g.: Instagram, Facebook, the app, and Google Analytics. We will use text mining to get an overview of the user’s current use of the app and possible spot trends among the users.
The interview will be semi-structured and will be primarily conducted online, although in a few instances, physically. OpdagDanmark app will function as a helping tool, to research on how the user interacts with the app, at its current state. The interview will be funnel structured, an open question in the beginning to gain insight into the user’s way of planning holiday and leisure activities. At the end of the interview, we will focus on questions about the app. We wish to interview customers from different segments and companies with different leisure activities.
Material Storytelling
- People are not willing to use the app in its current state
- Google is people preferred planning tool
- People listen to locals and tourist agencies
- The app should be a-all-in-one to be interesting
- Gamification is appealing
- People miss information about the local areas, there is not enough information.
- Friends recommendations gives more value than e.g. TripAdvisor.
- The users are asking for a greater selection, rather than a narrow.
Ideas for core design
- Loyalty program
- Roulette
- Tickets
- Guides
- Notification on #1 places and friend’s recommendation in the local areas.
- Wayfinding
- Community
- Theme trips
- Look at other apps like Useeum, foursquare and to get inspiration and to find ways to differentiate OpdagDanmark
Core Design Framework
Affinity Diagram
Based on our data collection we made an affinity diagram, where we categorized our findings. We discovered that potential users:
- Wanted more information about activities in their local area
- Weren’t that interested in paying for a deal subscription
- Googled information about places they wanted to visit
- Wanted an easy onboarding, but a lot of information
- Looked for information before planning trips and on the go
- People trust the opinions of people the know or meet more than online recommendations

Innovation tracks
Based on these findings we formed five innovation tracks:
- Focus on the interaction between the app and the user, as well as engaging, motivating and satisfying the needs of the user
- Customization of the app based on transparency, where the user can customize the app and be inspired by the content, while keeping it easy and simple
- How can the app make money? How do we create an innovative app or marketing plan that makes users and/or companies willing to pay for the service, while being transparent about what they are paying for?
- Focus on exploration and encouraging spontaneous trips both locally and nationally by being informative and sharing knowledge
- Social platform where the users can develop or maintain relationships while being entertaining and motivating the user to share experiences

Recap on innovation tracks
We presented 5 innovation tracks on Friday 30th November to OpdagDanmark. After the meeting with OpdagDanmark we decide that we want to work further with customization. With customization we want to create something, that will inspire the users while still being simple to use. We also wish to incorporate exploration, as we wish for the solution, to be informative and a place to share knowledge – a place where the users goes to find inspiration for their customized way to explore. We have chosen this innovation track, as OpdagDanmark wishes to put the user in the centre of the experiences and this is also what our research have shown us, people want something that is customized to their individual needs.

How might we?
Firstly, we created 3-4 “How Might We” questions each. We chose one question from the 20 HMW’s: How might we assist the user in planning and finding new leisure activities based on their interests?

We generated 8 ideas based on our HMW question and selected the 5 we liked the most. Afterwards, we improved and refined the 5 ideas with 8 complementing ideas, before narrowing it down to our 3 favourites. To select our final ideas, we each got to select our 3 favourite ideas from the entire pool of ideas. After that, we discussed the ideas and selected/combines the final 3 ideas.

Sketches of the concept
Embed your initial video sketches from Youtube here, together with short (100 word-150) concept descriptions and how you visualized it for each one. This is the hand-in for the deliverable: 3-5 visualized concepts.