
To further strengthen entrepreneurship at AAU, funding has been secured to build AAU Science and Innovation HUB, which will be a building with the objective of facilitating cooperation with industry, developing innovative solutions and acting as a hub for university based startups.
The Incubator should be able to embrace entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs in the range of students who are curious about entrepreneurship but have no experience, dedicated graduates working professionally in building their startup.
Our case’s main purpose was to find a possible solution for presenting the new innovation hub to students and professionals or potential investors in the best possible innovative way.
Case questions:
- Hvordan kan besøgende blive præsenteret for at Incubatoren på den bedst mulige måde?
- What should the tour include? (visuals, themes, games, etc.)
- How to collect the best feedback for future improvements?
- How can this process be handled without requiring excessive resources and instead contribute positively to the development of the Incubator?
Målet er at sikre at innovation og entreprenørskap bliver en naturlig del af den kultur af AAU og er en attraktiv karrieremuligheder. AAU wants to put Aalborg University in front, as one of the highest performing universities in the world when it comes to creating startup companies through a unique incubator society, which is aligned with the overall purpose of university and which has a business model that is sustainable .
Design process:
Case Meeting 1
On the first day the groups were created. Right after that we received the assignment, we read it carefully and prepared some critical questions for the meeting with the case partners. During this meeting we had the opportunity to discuss with our case partners in order to define and better understand our project.
The next step for us was to make an extensive research about:
- what is the Incubator, who can be part of it and what is its main mission
- which social groups can be the visitors and what they can gain from the Innovation Tour
- what can such a Tour include and what the ”physical” Tour is about
- already existing Innovation Tours
- SEA website
- current progress of the Incubator program
- requested feedback
The fieldwork for our team included a visit to the existing facilities of the AAU Incubator in Fib. 11. During the visit, our case partners showed us around, explained us the current conditions under which the Incubator works, what are the problems they are facing and what can be improved. We also had the opportunity to meet a startup team in person and watch them working on their own idea.
We also attended a workshop about Business Design there, organized by the AAU SEA, in order to see their work and hopefully help us with our project.
The next day we wrote down our observations and started to discuss about them. In this way, we identified the problematic areas and after analyzing these data we decided in which direction we should face our project. After brainstorming, some cool ideas came up about what could the Tour include, how to attract visitors, collect personal information and get feedback from them.
In the analysis procedure we made use of the Elito method and the core design method.
After the analysis, we concluded that although the design of a physical Tour is important, attracting visitors is more crucial because if there are no visitors, then there is no Tour.
Case Meeting 2
During the second meeting with our case partners, we discussed our approach for the project, depending on the observations and analysis we made. The conclusion was that it would be better if we focused on the Tour and how it could be more physical and not so much on how to attract people to it.
Video Making
Our first approach for the final video was to film it with cameras with us being the actors. So we formed the main scenes that should be presented in the video and we started filming right away. Some of the first scenes were captured in the Create building.
Then we returned to Nordkraft and used one of the green screens to film a scene.
Afterwards, we discussed about changing the video approach and trying to make an animation video instead. We all agreed on that and immediately started reforming the scenes and writing down the script. For the animation scenes we used characters and backgrounds from the website We did various voice recordings for each scene and we edited them altogether in Adobe Premiere Pro for the final video.