Nordsøen Oceanarium II


Since 1984, the purpose of the Nortsea Oceanarium has been to communicate knowledge about the North Sea, and sustainable use of its environment to the visitors.

The core problem is that some years ago the Northsea Oceanarium launged a concept of the Northsea Expedition, and to frame the storytelling of it, they chose to use fictive personas. The concept did not evolve the way they wanted it. The challenge is how should the Northsea Oceanarium engage and communicate to the different target groups in a coherent way.

In cooperation to the case problem, we developed a concept that tries to solve the missing communication between the Northsea Oceanarium and its visitors. This concept means to involve the guests inside the Oceanarium by reflecting their needs of gaining knowledge, orientating through the different expeditions and experience an authentic opportunity. In other words, our concept consists of three elements – education, navigation and entertainment. To conduct this in reality we devided this whole experience in three stages – before, during and after. In the before stage, the experience for the visitor begins at home, by playing a digital game, which shows the Oceanarium inside, s that he/she can gain an idea of how the place looks like and is about and attempt to attract him/her to actually visit the Northsea Oceanarium. In the during stage, we use interactive personas, developed from the ones the NO already has, to navigate and educate the guests in an entertaining way. They will pop up on a wall in each expedition hall after a visitor crosses a sensor line on the floor, which will active a projector. The personas is also implemented in the after part of the experience for example on the Northsea Oceanariums Facebook pages. Here the personas will make updates in relation to their field. It could also be that the visitor returns home and participates in an online quiz to test the knowledge he/she gained.



Uge 1

Indsamling af empiri var første led i vores arbejdsproces. Derfor planlagde vi et besøg til Nordsøen Oceanarium. Her foretog vi vores feltarbejde i samarbejde med gruppe 1, som også arbejdede med oceanariet. På den måde kunne vi indsamle mest muligt materiale og dele det imellem os.


Ved besøget på Nordsøen Oceanarium foretog vi først observationer af selve oceanariet for på den måde selv at opleve det og få en fornemmelse af deres storytelling. Vi agerede så at sige besøgende i oceanariet. Herefter foretog vi observationer af de besøgende for at se, hvordan de agerer i deres færden rundt i oceanariet. Blandt andet lagde vi mærke til deres bevægelser og interaktioner med de forskellige attraktioner. Metoden gav os en rigtig god fornemmelse af, hvordan oceanariet er indrettet, hvilke elementer der bliver brugt i storytellingen, og hvilke attraktioner der tiltrækker de besøgende.

Interview med besøgende og ansatte

Anden del af besøget i Nordsøen Ocenarium bestod af interviews med hhv. de besøgende og ansatte. Vi interviewede de besøgende ved udgangen af Nordsøen Oceanarium. Det gjorde vi, fordi vi ønskede et billede af, hvordan deres oplevelse havde været, og hvilke attraktioner der tiltalte dem mest. På den måde kunne vi bedre danne os et billede af, hvilke eksisterende attraktioner der fungerer godt ifølge de besøgende.

Afslutningsvis interviewede vi tre medarbejdere, hhv. en biolog, en formidler og markedsføringschefen. Formålet med interviewene var at få et indtryk af, hvilken historie hver af de tre medarbejdere finder vigtigst for Nordsøen Oceanarium at formidle videre. Derudover gav respondenternes svar en fornemmelse af, hvad der fungerer godt og mindre godt i oceanariet.

Metoden fungerede godt til at få et indtryk af, hvilke attraktioner der fungerer godt og ikke godt ifølge de besøgende og de ansatte.

Design Service Cycle

Vi valgte Design Service Cycle til at bearbejde vores observationer fra besøget på Nordsøen Oceanarium. Metoden fungerede som et værktøj til bl.a. at give os en fælles forståelse af observationerne, herunder oplevelsen af den eksisterende storytellingen. Vi udviklede en persona – en familie – og markerede familiens ’customer journey’ via touch points before, during og after. Herefter tegnede vi en ydre cirkel, som repræsenterer den fremtidige costumer journey.

Metoden fungerede som en slags brainstorming, der gav overblik over, hvilke touch point i Nordsøen Oceanarium der har størst betydning for storytellingen. I starten af uge to anvendte vi Design Service Cycle under mødet med rekvirenten. Det gjorde det nemmere at præsentere og visualisere vores observationer af storytellingen og indsnævre problemstillingen.

Hvordan vil I kommunikere resultaterne til rekvirenten

Ved udgangen af uge 1 begyndte vi at overveje, hvordan vi ville præsentere vores observationer for rekvirenten. Det stod hurtigt klart, at vi ville anvende Design Service Cycle. Den ville ikke bare gøre det nemmere at præsentere vores observationer af the customer journey before, during og after. Den ville også gøre det muligt for os at indsnævre problemstillingen, da vi i samarbejde med rekvirenten kan finde frem til de touch points, som er vigtige for storytellingen.

Mødet med rekvirenten foregik om mandagen. Her sørgede facilitatoren for at præsentere metoden og forklare vores brainstorm over de forskellige touch points. Præsentationen virkede overbevisende på rekvirenten, som også kom med sine refleksioner. Efter mødet var vi ikke længere i tvivl om, at vores koncept skulle skabe interaktion mellem de besøgende og storytellingen.

Uge 2

I uge to blev anvendt forskellige metoder til at skabe idéer og visualisere idéerne.


Brainstorming blev brugt til at skabe forskellige idéer til vores videoskitser. Først skrev hvert gruppemedlem sine idéer ned på Post-its og præsenterede dem for de andre gruppemedlemmer. Herefter udvalgte hvert gruppemedlem fem idéer ud af alle de præsenterede idéer, som han/hun fandt interessante og brugbare. Herudfra brainstormede vi videre og kom frem til flere idéer, som vi ville arbejde på i videoskitserne.

Metoden fungerede rigtig godt som en start på idégenereringen. Selvom vi havde udvalgt enkelte idéer, som vi ville arbejde videre med, forsøgte vi på ikke at låse os fast på de udvalgte idéer. Derfor kom der også yderligere idéer til, efter vi havde udarbejdet de første videoskitser.


Storyboard blev brugt til at visualisere forskellige idéer til vores videoskitser. Alle i gruppen lavede det første storyboard sammen. Da det første storyboard var færdigt, delte vi gruppen op i to; en gruppe arbejdede videre på de andre storyboards og den anden begyndte at klippe elementerne til stop-motion. Til det sidste storyboard tegnede vi på Post-its, så vi nemt kunne tilføje klip, hvis vi under videoredigeringen fandt ud af at enkelte klip manglede.

Denne metode gav et klart overblik over kronologien i vores kommende videoskitser og gjorde det nemt at udarbejde de forskellige elementer til stop-motion.

Videoskitser blev også brugt til at visualisere vores idéer. Videoskitserne er filmet i stop-motion, som var et nemt værktøj for alle i gruppen at anvende. Derudover gik det forholdsvis hurtig at lave videoskitserne i stop-motion, da vi først havde tegnet og klippet alle elementerne fra de forskellige storyboards. Det var en klar fordel taget den korte tidsramme i betragtning.

Hvordan vil I kommunikere resultaterne til rekvirenten

Om mandagen i uge 3 kom vores rekvirent på besøg igen. Vi havde ugen forinden produceret og forberedt fem videoskitser over tre forskellige koncepter, som vi ville præsenterer for ham. Vi startede med en kort præsentation af hvert koncept, afspillede videoskitserne og havde en kort diskussion om hvert koncept. Efter vi havde præsenteret alle koncepterne, havde vi en afsluttende diskussion om mulighederne for implementeringen af koncepterne taget budget etc. i betragtning. Vi besluttede herefter, at vi i den kommende uge skulle arbejde videre med to af idéerne.



Main problem formulation

How do we create an interactive attraction that can make a more coherent storytelling of the Nordsøen Oceanarium?

Core problems: Navigation, Entertainment, Education

After we spent week 1 of the U-CrAc doing fieldwork through observations, interviews with staff and visitors, and meetings with the client, we have concluded that there are few problem areas within the Ocenarium. However, based on our research and meeting with the client we mutually agreed the core problem around the storytelling of the Nordsøen Ocenarium is the missing link between the stories that the business wants to communicate and the actual customer experience. For the 2nd week of the U-CrAc workshop, we are focused on the main problem formulation mentioned above. There are three main factors to be considered in order to create the interactive attraction that can make a more coherent storytelling – navigation, entertainment and education. In other words, the attraction should be helping with the overall navigation around the storytelling withing the Ocenarium, it should be entertaining for the visitors and at the same time educate them in one way or another.

Conceptual Idea: Interactive ball

1. “The Little Ball”

Short resume:

Based on the core problem mentioned above, we have come with an idea of a little ball, which will be intended to visitors over 10 years old while being in the Ocenarium. He/she will receive it at the entrance and keep it until the end of his/her visit there. The ball changes color according to the expedition he/she is in. Other features are that the ball will vibrate and show a question, which the visitor must answer in order to receive points and collect rewards. Main goal will be to educate people/share stories through entertainment and colorful navigation.

Techniques used in the developing of the concept:

We have used stop motion technique to visualize the sketch because it is a simple method, which we were able to implement without any complications. We divided different tasks to each group member in order to spread the work evenly and be able to finish on time. Different tasks were drawing, cutting, preparing storyboards, taking pictures and putting it all together in a stop motion video. We have added additional information boxes, integrated audio and effects while using Adobe Premier to finalize the video sketch.

Videosketch 01

2. “Rolling Around”

Short resume:

Based on the idea of the little ball mentioned above, we have come with an idea of a bigger ball, which will be intended to children under 10 years old while being in the Ocenarium. The main hypothesis is that this target group may want to play with the ball and we have thought how to make it suitable and interesting for them. He/she will receive it at the entrance and keep it until the end of his/her visit there. The ball changes color according to the expedition he/she is in. The bigger ball will be an addition to the little ball and main goal will be to entertain the children through colors.

Techniques used in the developing of the concept:

We have used stop motion technique to visualize the sketch because it is a simple method, which we were able to implement without any complications. We divided different tasks to each group member in order to spread the work evenly and be able to finish on time. Different tasks were drawing, cutting, preparing storyboards, taking pictures and putting it all together in a stop motion video. We have added additional information boxes, integrated audio and effects while using Adobe Premier to finalize the video sketch.

Videosketch 02

Conceptual Idea: Gamification

3. “Gamification”

Short resume:

Based on the core problem mentioned above, we have come with an idea of a game, which will be intended to visitors over 10 years old. They can download and play the game before they visit the Ocenarium. We plan to use its current interior design and transform it to a digital design integrated in the game. We aim to motivate people to visit the real physical location by developing a game that is as close as possible to the reality. Moreover, we think to use the levels/points the gamers gather and transform those to discount that may be used at the physical location. Another idea is to use the current Moviemaker app in order to continue the customer experience within the Ocenarium and after the visit is over. Main goal will be promote the Ocenarium by the use of gamification as well as to educate people/share stories through entertainment and innovative way of navigation.

Techniques used in the developing of the concept:

We have used stop motion technique to visualize the sketch because it is a simple method, which we were able to implement without any complications. We divided different tasks to each group member in order to spread the work evenly and be able to finish on time. Different tasks were drawing, cutting, preparing storyboards, taking pictures and putting it all together in a stop motion video. We have added additional information boxes, integrated audio, multilayered video and effects while using Adobe Premier to finalize the video sketch. There have also been used the technique of Multilayered video. This is to gain some needed effects in communication of the massage.

Videosketch 03

Conceptual Idea: Interactive Persona

4. “Pursue Me!”

Short resume:

Based on the core problem mentioned above, we have come up with an idea of involving changing the use of the already existing personas. This will be intended to visitors of all ages both adults and kids. The concept of the persona includes different personas with different background from a captain to a cook. These personas will be placed in glass cylinders around the different expeditions. As the visitor approach the cylinder they can press a button on the floor. This will activate the persona. The cylinder lights up so the persona get visible and starts talking about the expedition. In the end he/she will send you on your way to the next experience. The main goal is to use the personas as fun educational and navigational tool.

Techniques used in the developing of the concept:

We have used stop motion technique to visualize the sketch because it is a simple method, which we were able to implement without any complications. We divided different tasks to each group member in order to spread the work evenly and be able to finish on time. Different tasks were drawing, cutting, preparing storyboards, taking pictures and putting it all together in a stop motion video. We have added additional information boxes, integrated audio and effects while using Adobe Premier to finalize the video sketch.

Videosketch 04

5. “The Big Surprise”

Short resume:

Based on the core problem mentioned above, we have come up with an idea of involving changing the use of the already existing personas. This will be intended to visitors of all ages both adults and kids. The concept of the persona includes different personas with different background from a captain to a cook. These personas will be placed in glass cylinders around the different expeditions. When a visitor walk close to the cylinder a sensor will detect them and the cylinder lights up so the persona get visible and starts talking about the expedition. In the end he/she will send you on your way to the next experience. The main goal is to create an interactive attraction that will drag visitors’ attention to different information in an entertaining way.

Techniques used in the developing of the concept:

We have used stop motion technique to visualize the sketch because it is a simple method, which we were able to implement without any complications. We divided different tasks to each group member in order to spread the work evenly and be able to finish on time. Different tasks were drawing, cutting, preparing storyboards, taking pictures and putting it all together in a stop motion video. We have added additional information boxes, integrated audio and effects while using Adobe Premier to finalize the video sketch.

Videosketch 05